Garden Room with Bike Shed

Client Brief

Transform the garden into a utilised space with a modern and bright garden office with storage for an exercise bike. Zero maintenance is a priority.

The Solution:
A Garden Room with Bike Shed

We have built a contemporary anthracite grey garden room complete with bike shed for additional storage.

We did extensive work on this property as the landscaping originally included a pond, bushes and a damp shed that the client wanted removed.

We re-levelled the ground and laid concrete for the foundation to support the main room and the shed. We added retaining walls across the width of the garden as well as a new featheredge fence across the property boundary.

A 6m x 3m garden room was then built, complete with a shingle seating area.

The outer cladding is finished in a combination of concrete fiberboard and steel, meeting the client's desire for a low-maintenance solution while elevating the visual appeal of the garden room. The garden room is also equipped with CAT6 cable and power outlets for office use.


Garden Cinema Room